Affiliate Program

Welcome! We are so glad you’re here and want to learn more about The PushKit Affiliate Program!

First things first, affiliates are a very important part of our growth strategy. We have many successful affiliate partners who earn thousands in recurring revenue from our program each month because of our continued commitment to creating opportunities for our affiliates to earn commissions.

As a PushKit affiliate you’ll earn a 30% commission each month from everyone you refer. That means if you send us an account worth $99/month, you’ll earn $30. Every month.

Joining our affiliate program is simple. Just Contact Us to get started.

Join the Affiliate Program

The process

Joining the PushKit Affiliate Program is pretty simple. Here’s the process just to make everything crystal clear:

  1. Just Contact Us. You’ll instantly be given share links if you want to start sharing PushKit immediately.
  2. Check your email for the affiliate dashboard link and your password. Once you sign in you can see all your stats, enter your PayPal payment information, and download any logos or assets you need.
  3. Start promoting! You’ll see any clicks or activity reflected in your account.

Promotion Ideas

Here are a few promotion ideas to get you started:

  1. Add details about PushKit, along with your affiliate link, to any pages or posts you have on how to start a blog or grow an email list.
  2. Share how you use Automation or Sequence Follow-Up emails to improve your business process and link to PushKit using your affiliate link.
  3. Partner with us for a webinar that you promote to your list and we will teach one hour of free content on email marketing.
  4. Add PushKit to your Resources page on your blog as your recommended email marketing provider.
  5. Anything else you can think of!

It’s good to have you on board!

Details and terms

The rules on our affiliate program are pretty simple, but we need a few rules in place to prevent abuse.

  1. Payouts are currently made at the beginning of each month for accounts that with a balance of at least $100 for the month.
  2. Affiliate commissions are approved on a monthly basis. There is a minimum delay of 30 days before approving pending commissions (to account for any refunds since we have a 30-day no-questions-asked refund policy).
  3. Depending on when a commission is earned in a month, it can be pending for up to 60 days. For example, if you earned a commission on August 5th, it along w/ all August commissions would be approved and paid on Oct 1 (creating a 55 day delay). If you earned a commission on Aug 30, it would also get approved and paid on Oct 1 (creating a 30 day delay).
  4. Self-referrals are not allowed. The point is to get you to refer other people. This is not a way to get a discount on your own account.
  5. Abuse, gaming, or shady behavior will get your account banned. Just be cool.
  6. In some cases, we can give credit to an affiliate even if the customer didn’t sign up through their link by mistake. If you have a case like that, contact us first so we can help.
  7. We reserve the right to change the terms at anytime.

Now, with those details out of the way we can go about paying you for sending great customers our way!